That journey into motherhood isn’t always smooth. Quite often, there are many bumps, scrapes, bruises and even some broken bones along the way. I don’t know anyone who describes motherhood as glamorous. I also don’t know anyone who describes it as alienating. As a new mom, and a fairly young one, it was really tough …
Month: August 2017
Not Again
If you are a parent or grandparent or even a loved one of a kid with special needs you have probably had to bite your tongue (maybe until it bled) when people react to your child or children. I’ve been circling the block for a few years and thought I would share my personal favorites …
I have been thinking a lot about Post Partum Depression and Anxiety lately. Often called “the baby blues”, approximately 11 to 20% of women experience PPD or PPA in their post partum period. To quote this site: Postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbirth, putting American families at risk each and every year. …
A List
Would you like to know what the world’s best teething toy is? A hearing aid mold. “C, No!” I hear myself say that over and over again as she yanks them out when she is bored and pops those suckers in her mouth. Who knew a baby was so strong to yank out the tubing? …
Get rid of EVERYTHING! I’m a Type A, love knowing everything, Control Freak. We have been in this house for a little over three years. Before moving in, I donated and sold a ton of things. When we moved in, I made a pile of boxes of things I decided I did not need and …
“Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.” ~ Seth Godin Sometimes we have blue days. Down days. Terrible Days. E gets in these funks and it seems like nothing is going to get through to him. …
Back to School
Bloom where you are planted. Sunflowers are these beautiful, bright flowers that grow all over where I live. They have always been my favorite flower. You see, it doesn’t matter what kind of soil a sunflower seed is planted in, it will thrive. Sunflowers overcome adversity. Every single time I see a sunflower, I smile. …
Book Review Time
I was asked by a friend if I could review and suggest children’s books on some of my posts. Specifically, books that dealt with special needs. I loved the idea! It also made me think. I really have not read a lot of children’s books in this area. It’s not that they don’t exist. I’ve …
I have a least favorite sign. I didn’t know that this was possible, but the sign for “No” is my official LEAST FAVORITE SIGN EVER. I actually have a bit of time with just me and C. This is unheard of in the summer months, but A & E are off at church and I …
Hearing Clinic
When your child is first diagnosed as Hard of Hearing or Deaf. There are a lot of people to meet, places to go and information to overload on. Whatever you do, do NOT Google. Not everything on the Internet is true, and honestly, you end up a nervous wreck because the only information you initially …