C turned nine months old on Thanksgiving. I love this age so very much! Her personality is becoming more evident by the day and I’m in love. Is it weird that I just said I’m in love reference my infant? I don’t think so… This last month she discovered Patty Cake. She loves it so …
Month: November 2017
Traditions and Autism
I grew up in a family full of traditions. As a kid, I didn’t always appreciate them. Holidays felt overwhelming at times and more than a little stressful. So, why would I continue so many? I’ve been questioning that since Thanksgiving. I make a huge meal for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It often includes two meats …
Making Strides
Life can be tough. Sometimes, we need to be reminded that it is worth it. I recently shared this on my personal Facebook page… “I’m exhausted pretty much all the time. I’m working hard to balance C’s Therapy, E’s Therapy, A’s skating, appointments for all of the kids, working 15-20hrs a week, volunteering on 2 …
New Decisions
Because, many times parenting feels arbitrary.
Pumpkin Spice Cake
October Recap and a Recipe! October was a really busy, not so amazing month. C was pretty much sick the entire time, we even got lucky enough to experience our first allergic reaction. Meanwhile, E was losing his mind – which forced a meds change – and A was seen for an Endocrine Checkup. We …
‘You know what has caused her to have hearing loss. She was born with it.’ – Hubs C is a little over 8 months old. She just participated in her first Halloween as Abu, from Aladdin. It was pretty adorable, just look at the picture above and you can see. You might remember that about …