I’ve been preoccupied these past few weeks. On top of living every day life with the blessings and Hubs, it has been a crazy busy time for work! I met myself coming and going repeatedly these past weeks and yesterday was amazing because I could catch up on time with my family, which was really needed.
What do I do?
I work in Business Development for my father’s company. The goal is to expand his company further West than it currently is, to replicate our business in each state. It is lofty, but I’m obviously the type of person who enjoys a challenge. One of my biggest projects is Global Learn Day. It is a 24 hour celebration of education that has been held for over twenty years, the idea was originally an “Earth Day for Education”.
My father has been involved on and off for the past two decades and last year, the directorship was handed to him. It was time to revamp GLD (as we call it) and make it relevant for individuals today. This has been no small task, but working on this project while also making the effort to help expand our company’s territory to the West has been the most fulfilling work of my life, outside of my family.
I have always felt a level of sadness when I worked, as a mother. This is the first time that I have not. In this position, I see value in what I’m creating and feel as if it will help to create a better tomorrow for my children. Part of this is because I work for a company I hope will someday employ my daughter. More of it is because I seldom feel torn between my roles.
This realization has caused me to reflect on the role of motherhood. Motherhood is often considered a selfless or thankless role. It is definitely selfless, in that gratification or acknowledgement for those that we devote our lives to is delayed for many years. C isn’t thanking me when I change her diaper, holding her still and keeping her healthy. All she sees is someone stopping her fun. E sees the same conflict with me when I tell him he can’t do something dangerous (go into the storm drain to retrieve his ball). A has always been milder mannered, she’s the oldest, but wait until Friday night comes and she wants to go somewhere but doesn’t have the grades for it.
Women who work outside the home (or inside for a separate company) are able to receive acknowledgement for a job well done. There is opportunity for praise, for accolades. That’s fulfilling, it makes me, at least, feel purposeful. How do we translate that for the SAHM? There job well done is once their child is raised, right?
Nope, it’s in the little moments, too!
- Your toddler/preschooler is wearing a matched pair of socks.
- With a sick baby, you still managed to get dinner done!
- Everyone has a clean outfit tomorrow (bonus points if you aren’t digging through a basket like I did this morning for your jeans)!
- There are at least 3 healthy snack options for this afternoon (and popcorn totally counts).
- Your teeth are brushed.
- You had a minute to pray today.
So, don’t worry, whatever your work status is, you are rocking motherhood and will be having good and bad days ‘at work’.
I’m waiting for my work high to come down, but it seems like I’ve got time. You are welcome to check Global Learn Day out. We provide a lot of resources every week that could be useful to homeschoolers!