newborn pic
Hard of Hearing/Deaf Inspiration Kids

A List

Would you like to know what the world’s best teething toy is? A hearing aid mold. “C, No!” I hear myself say that over and over again as she yanks them out when she is bored and pops those suckers in her mouth. Who knew a baby was so strong to yank out the tubing? …

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They love each other
Autism Family Life Hard of Hearing/Deaf Kids


I have a least favorite sign. I didn’t know that this was possible, but the sign for “No” is my official LEAST FAVORITE SIGN EVER. I actually have a bit of time with just me and C. This is unheard of in the summer months, but A & E are off at church and I …

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C and I at Children's
Hard of Hearing/Deaf

Hearing Clinic

When your child is first diagnosed as Hard of Hearing or Deaf. There are a lot of people to meet, places to go and information to overload on. Whatever you do, do NOT Google. Not everything on the Internet is true, and honestly, you end up a nervous wreck because the only information you initially …

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The speech banana
Hard of Hearing/Deaf Kids Life


Sometimes it’s nothing. C was diagnosed with “Hearing Loss” shortly after she was born. I don’t know if it was really a shock for me. Our hospital tested her hearing at about 24 hours old and when she failed the screen on her left ear the technician said to not worry, “It’s probably just fluid.” …

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Autism Hard of Hearing/Deaf Inspiration Kids Life


Hello! I guess this is my moment to introduce myself. I’m Mary Elizabeth and together with my hubs, I have 3 very special blessings. They are A, E and C, respectively. Over the past few months since C was born, I have joked repeatedly to my husband that we are either “batting a thousand” or …

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